
New “Help with I.T.” Service Plans at Warmar Tech

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Warmar Technology Solutions is proud to announce our new Help with I.T. service plans. Due to the increasing cost of I.T. Services (News Article), we are trying to help with some discounts. The service plans provide a 20% discount towards our hourly rates for our help desk and workbench support items. Customers who choose to order the plans will receive two hours of help-desk support and one hour of workbench support at the discounted price of $180.00. The hours are valid for one year after account activation. This plan includes 2 Hours of help-desk and 1 hour of bench time (usually $75.00 an hour). Plans activate on the first day of the month after the purchase date. Pre-order 12/22/2023-1/31/2022 to receive an additional 40% off! Click here to order online.

Help-Desk Services:

  • Hardware Drive Installation
  • Basic Configuration and/or diagnostics of network connectivity
  • Basic OS error Diagnostics
  • Core Application Install Support
  • Connectivity to Printers
  • Connectivity to Server
  • Spyware / Virus Removal / Remediation / Containment
  • Smartphone / Tablet connectivity to E-mail Platform
  • Terminal Server Profiles / Sessions

Workbench Services:

  • Hardware Diagnostics
  • Hardware Installation (Hardware not included)
  • Upgrades
  • Physical Cleaning

*Each ticket has a 30-minute minimum. Workbench time can be exchanged for helpdesk time.

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