What Is Managed services
If the term “managed services” is a new term for you, then we are happy to help to introduce you this concept. When faced with a technology problem, most have to lug the computer to a computer repair shop, spend a few hundred dollars, and take the computer back. A good repair provider will fix your computer, and some may even deliver it back to your office. Unfortunately, it is likely that you repeat the process again and again. Although getting your computer back to business seams good, it comes at a fairly high price. Not only did you have to pay for the repair, but you also have to pay for loss of productivity during the time that the system was offline. In contrast, managed services take a proactive approach to ensuring your organization stays up and running.
What is our approach to managed Services
Our approach to Managed Services is designed in a manner that is affordable but allows your organization to select options that best fits your needs. In addition to our base package, we have add-ons that we will discuss in subsequent articles. For this article, we will discuss the base foundation that we build our solutions from, our base package. First, our base package includes software automation, Warmar Protect Anti-Virus, software & operating system patching, and basic system reporting.
Additionally, our solution allows also allows remotely access to workstations / server, so our skilled technicians can resolve any system issues that may arise. We can via console to your system so that work is not interrupted or if the need arises, connect to the desktop itself.
Our automation services allow us to perform heath checks on your systems ensuring they are in proper working condition. We receive alerts for hard drive space utilization, memory issues, temperature alerts, and more. Additionally, we can schedule maintenance tasks such as cleaning up temporary files, automated defragmentation/trimming, or software installation. Lastly, automation is an integral part of managed services as it allows the rest of the magic to happen.
Warmar Protect
Warmar Protect is an enterprise class malware protection solution that provides protection for Microsoft Windows and Apple MacOS platforms. Equally important is that the product alerts us to problems and allows us to help when needed. We also have the ability to allow internal produced applications and reduce false positives from line of business applications.
Backup is vital to the success of your business. I have witnessed businesses who have had fires loose years of research and development after a devastating fire. Comparatively, I’ve seen businesses flourish in the face of adversity when as they had a good backup strategy. The World Economic Forum cyber-attacks as the third most likely global risk for 2018 [1]. Our base solution protects 90 different file types on your system.
In conclusion, our Managed Services Base Package is a complete package to keep your businesses safe and sound. Managed Services provide your organization a proactive approach to your IT needs. In effect, our solutions will make you feel like you have an enterprise IT team supporting your organization. For more information on how we can assist you, call us at (405) 237-1267 or reach out via the “hire us” form. To learn more about our Managed Services solutions, click here.
[1] “The Global Risks Report 2018,” World Economic Forum. https://www.weforum.org/reports/the-global-risks-report-2018/ (accessed Jul. 13, 2021).