I have found that the leadership of small to medium businesses and non-profit organizations doesn’t enjoy sitting around talking about attack vectors, zero-day attacks, threat vectors, patching, and server exploits. The leadership of these organizations already has enough on their minds to worry about and often times cybersecurity. While cybersecurity isn’t the high point of many conversations, it isn’t something that can be neglected. Sadly, what I see many small to medium organizations do is take one of three approaches. Do nothing, try to let your users manage their systems or contact service after something breaks. Not doing anything can cause harm to your organization or lead to potential legal issues for the organization. Having your employees manage their own equipment can lead to misconfiguration, data breaches, and costly outages. Hiring someone after you have an issue only puts band-aids on the problem and offers no long-term value.
After coming to the realization that a lot of organizations are operating in this manner, I began to pray on what direction I should go. I have been successful in my career and have really been blessed as far as employment goes. I have received several industry-standard certifications and really try to live to the standards set in 1 Corinthians 10:31. I try to work in a manner that glorifies God. I began to pray about how I can help glorify the kingdom and best glorify him. That’s why I’ve started Warmar Technology Solutions. I feel that I can glorify God by helping organizations that cannot afford a dedicated IT staff but need technology to run. We provide consulting organizations, managed services, and provide installation and configuration services.
Are we able to help you? We look to partner with organizations to provide exceptional service. We look forward to being part of the community and giving back.